Our story and the promise of 'Gau Adharit Jeevan Shailee'
21 November, 2022 by
Our story and the promise of 'Gau Adharit Jeevan Shailee'
Suryan Organic

By SOSE Organic & Natural

Our story – changing the way people think about food, health and lifestyle…

We at SOSE firmly believe that our role in society is much larger than simply being an organic trading firm. And our stores aren’t mere ‘sales outlets’, but a medium to improve lifestyles, to revive and regain what we have lost as Bharat, to help solve modern problems with ancient time tested principles. When we started in Ahmedabad in 2014, there wasn’t a single store where a consumer could find practically everything she needs to lead an organic lifestyle. On the other hand, we could see that the conventional market was flooded with products which possibly caused great harm to consumer health. And as we interacted with farmers, we saw the hardships that they faced and continue to face in making ends meet. But amid all the problems, we could also see the solution. This solution was in the governing philosophy of our guiding organization, Bansi Gir Gaushala.

Reviving Bharat’s ‘Go Sanskriti’ – spiritual background of our mission

Bansi Gir Gaushala was established in 2006 by Shri Gopalbhai Sutariya as an effort to revive, regain and re-establish Bharat’s ancient Vedic culture. In Vedic traditions, the Cow was revered as Divine Mother, the Gomata or Gaumata, and one which bestows health, knowledge and prosperity. In Sanskrit, the word “Go” also means “Light”.

But as time passed and humanity entered the Dark Age (‘Kali Yuga’), much of this wisdom was lost. In modern times, Gaumata has become a victim of human greed. The place of Gaumata in Bharatiya society has degenerated to being a mere component of animal husbandry. In the worst cases, and which are not uncommon, the “Cow” has become an “asset” in accounting terminology, a factor of production for “industry”. Science has devised novel techniques to increase milk production, often at the cost of inflicting inhuman suffering on Gaumata and Her family, while humanity enjoys the fruits that She continues to grant in spite of our transgressions.

However, Gaumata’s fall from her exalted position in Bharatiya society has had catastrophic consequences for Bharat and the world, giving rise to ecological imbalances and a multitude of diseases to which modern science has no answers. Bharat has lost much of the beauty, scholarship and abundance that She enjoyed in the Vedic period.

The solution to the world’s problems as we see it is both external (material) and internal (spiritual). We believe it is now crucial to raise the “Cow” to her original exalted position of “Gaumata”. With Her blessings, Bansi Gir Gaushala is working as a living laboratory to revive Bharat’s ancient Vedic “Go Sanskriti”, and introduce time tested Vedic paradigms in all aspects of modern life, be it nutrition, health, education, agriculture or business.

Achieving incredible results can be a way of life – what ‘Gau Adharit Jeevan Shailee’ promises us

As we work to fulfill the mission of Bansi Gir Gaushala, the results have been nothing short of a revelation. We see first-hand the tremendous potential that Gomata centered way of life holds for Bharat and humanity, and why our ancestors lived such a life and achieved greatness. We see first-hand the results of Gau Adharit Krushi (agriculture) as we support or partner with more and more farmers every year, results which have not been possible with many decades of modern farming practices. We see first-hand patients suffering from chronic or lifestyle diseases achieving wellness with Gau Adharit Chikitsa. We also see first-hand the students at our Gurukul achieving physical and intellectual feats with Gau Adharit Vedic Shikshan (education) that would otherwise be deemed impossible with conventional western system of education.

Our ancestors have already shown us the way. We need to look within and to Bharat’s rich history to find solutions to modern problems. Amid problems that currently seem unsurmountable, we believe that if we work with Faith the future of Bharat and humanity is full of exciting possibilities. This has been confirmed by none other but modern Bharatiya Mahayogi’s like Swami Vivekanand, Pandit Ram Sharma Acharya and Sri Aurobindo

We know that while much as been done, a lot more needs to be done to realize this compelling vision. We invite like-minded individuals and organizations to collaborate with us. We invite consumers to come and experience Gau Adharit Jeevan Shailee and Gau Adharit Chikitsa at The Gaushala or our SOSE Organic Boutiques. You may also visit our websites to know more about us, or explore our products – www.bansigir.in and www.sose.in. Come, join hands with us to create this glorious future.

Our story and the promise of 'Gau Adharit Jeevan Shailee'
Suryan Organic 21 November, 2022
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