Gaumata has been assigned tremendous significance in the Vedas and Ayurveda. Vedas state that the 'gavyas' (milk, curd, ghee, 'gomutra' and 'gomay') of 'santusht' (satisfied) and 'prasann' (happy) Gaumatas are 'kalyankari' (auspicious) and 'mangalkari' (beneficial). As stated in Ayurvedic texts, such 'gavyas' are highly beneficial to the body, and they help to multiply the healing qualities of medicinal herbs when processed appropriately.

Bansi Gir Gauveda is an outcome of the holy foundation of service provided by Bansi Gir Gaushala. Our products are made using highest quality herbs, under the supervision of leading Ayurvedacharyas of Bharat, using our proprietary processes which are consistent with the best traditions of Gau Adharit Ayurveda.

Our supplements have helped to bring lasting health to thousands of people over the last few years. Given below are brief notes from experiences shared by some of these people. We sincerely hope these testimonials will inspire others to pursue Gau Adharit Ayurved for their healthcare needs.

Testimonial by Products


Testimonial by Disease

Cardiac, Blood Pressure & Obesity
  • Reduction in weight by 1.5 Kg within a week, sharp improvement in overall energy . Maulik Bhuptani (Ahmedabad) 

  • Significant relief in high blood pressure symptoms after starting Gauveda medicines. Rajni Purohit (Ahmedabad) 

  • Suffered from serious left ventricle dysfunction and injection projection, was admitted to ICU and adviced 3 months rest thereafter. Started Gauveda medicines Arjun Ghrit, Dhavalamrut, Arjun Chai and Phalamrut with daily Pranayam. Experience significant relief and improvement in 2D echo report. Akash Dave(Ahmedabad) 

  • Suffering from various ailments including obesity, depression, sleeplessness, joint pains, etc since a long time. Tried many medicines but there was no change in condition. After starting Gauveda medicines, in just 1 month patient feels her entire situation changed, and experienced significant relief in all symptoms. Manjulaben Makwana (Ahmedabad) 

  • Suffering from sleeplessness, muscle stretches, anxiety, high BP and heart related problems. After a few months of taking Gauveda medications, patient gets good sleep, stretch in muscles has ceased, reduction in anxiety, and BP has reduced to 130/80.  Yogesh Parkhi (Ahmedabad)

  • “Significant reduction in weight after starting Gauveda medicines. Urvish Jaiswal (Ahmedabad)

  • Patient was suffering from high BP, stress, sleeplessness, body ache and cholesterol. After 3 months of taking Gauveda medicines patient has experienced significant relief, better sleep, lower stress levels, etc. On one occassion, patient also experienced symptomatic relief from cough using Gir Ayur Rub. Akhilesh Mehta (Ahmedabad) 

  • Obesity and cholesterol - treated with Arjun Ghrit, Akar capsule, Godhatri Ghrit and Lasamrut capsules - significant reduction in weight, bad cholesterol levels have gone down & good cholesterol level has gone up. Also found relief from sinus & high mucus issues with Gir Ahinsak Nasya. Ravi Kumar (Ahmedabad) 

  • Sharp reduction & normalization in fasting plasma glucose, HbA1C, post-prandial plasma glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride levels within 2.5 months of being treated with Gauveda medicines. Prashant Parikh (Ahmedabad)

  • Treated for gas, acidity and pain in hands & legs since last few weeks. Seen significant relief with Sunthamrut capsule, Drakshavaleh, Kabjamrut Churna and Asthi Churna. Bharatiben (Ahmedabad)

  • Suffering from acidity since long time, tried various medicines without much relief. Started Gauveda Sunthamrut with Mishri along with certain lifestyle changes. Patient sees complete relief in acidity & gas symptoms. Neeraj Tanna (Rajkot)

  • Significant relief in constipation, acidty and bloating symptoms with Sunthamrut capsules with Mishri. Bipinbhai Mody (Mumbai)

  • Suffering from pain in stomach since a long time, experienced significant relief with Gauveda medicines Sunthamrut and Hadamrut. Alpesh Kachhad (Ahmedabad)

  • Paralysis attack since 3 years. After taking Gauveda medicines, patient experiences improved immunity and complete relief from digestive problems. Kiranbhai Morzaria (Rajkot)

  • Got relief from severe constipation with Gauveda medicines. Ronak Jaiswal (Ahmedabad)

  • Suffering from Piles and Constipation. Almost complete relief from symptoms after taking Hadamrut capsules and Kabjamrut Churna. Aartikumari Maharaul

  • Gastric trouble and constipation - almost complete relief from symptoms after taking Hadamrut, Sunthamrut, Godhatri Ghrit and Nasya. Raja Chawat

  • Recurring abdominal pain after undergoing gall bladder operation, along with Charlie Horse symptoms (muscle spasms). Complete relief in symptoms after taking Asthi Ghrit, Asthi Powder, Mahatriphala Ghrit and Hadamrut. Dipesh H Shah (USA)

  • Taking treatment since last year, see 65% relief in symptoms of gas, acidity and diabetes.  Anshuman Tyagi (Delhi)

  • Treatment for hormonal problems, Phala Ghrit, Kabjamrut, Askamrut. 85% Improvement in symptoms. Falak Roghelia (Ahmedabad)

  • Treated for thyroid problem with various Gaushala medicines. See 100% improvement in hand and throat problem. Vinodbhai Kakaria (Jamnagar)

  • Treated for hormonal irregularities, saw complete recovery. Jagrutiben(Ahmedabad)

  • Physical weakness, hormonal irregularity & pain, dullness, dark circles around eyes, lack of sleep, underweight and digestive issues. Experienced relief from all symptoms after starting Gauveda medicines. Patient sleeps well, feels energetic, digestion is better, there is a shine on her face. Physical energy has improved and she has gained weight. Mrs Patel (Shirpur)

  • Suffering from cardiac, thyroid & blood pressure. Within 2 months of starting Arjuna Ghrit, Dhavalamrut, Sunthamrut, 21 Aushadhiya Ark, Nasya, patient is experiencing significant relief in symptoms and her reports also came in normal. Vidyaben Kodiya (Himmatnagar)

  • Lower stomachache, performed CT scan but problem could not be diagnosed. After Ayurvedic diagnosis, took Gauveda medicine (Shilajit capsule) and within 1 month saw complete relief in pain. Sonalben Rathod (Ahmedabad)

  • Diabetes under control since 1 year with Gauveda medicines. Bhavnaben Modi (Mumbai)

  • Menstrual cycles became regular after taking Askamrut capsules. Shlokaben Joshi (Ahmedabad)

  • Using Gir Ahinsak Gau Ghee for last 5 years, 1 spoon before bed. Results - Enhanced Health, Better Sleep, Improved Throat. Nilkanthbhai (Surat)

  • Using Gir Nasya, and see improvement in general health & well-being. Vijay Kotak (Ahmedabad)

  • Reduction in problems associated with throat, legs and stomach. No relief in back pain. Pintuben Pankajbhai Patel (Ahmedabad)

  • Side effects of anti-biotic medication for flue - gastritis, hair loss, sleep disturbance, etc., which did not respond to allopathic supplements. Complete recovery within 3 months, with Giloy Gaumutra capsules, Asthi Ghrit, Nasya and other capsules. Kajal Radadiya (Ahmedabad)

  • Diagnosed with lung cancer, suffering from tiredness and leg & back pain. Saw 25% improvement in fatigue and pain symptoms within 1 month of taking Gauveda medicines. Devshibhai Ahir(Jamnagar)

  • Found relief in Headache, joint pains, digestive issues and skin allergies by using Sunthamrut, Kabjamrut, Nasya and other Gauveda medicines. K D Parmar (Ahmedabad)

  • Vision improved at the age of 85 years after starting Gir Ahinsak Nasya. Hasmukhbhai Patel (Ahmedabad)

  • Using Mahatriphala Ghrit since 1 year, experienced improvement in vision. Manibhai Patel

  • Using Gir Go Vita Powder since 1 year, immunity level has improved. Niyatiben Patel (Ahmedabad)

  • Complete relief in allergy symptoms with use of Nishamrut capsules. Ami Masolia

  • Suffering from a neurological disease, experiencing 50% relief in symptoms, with lower stress & better sleep even after stopping allopathic medicines. Taking Asthi Churna, Nasya, 21 Aushadhiya Ark and Shilajit. Jashwantbhai Prajapati (Mehsana)

  • Diagnosed with heavy migraine, complete relief with use of Gayatri Ghrit and Gir Ahinsak Nasya. Capt Vishwendra Singh Rajawat

  • Epilepsy patient, got affected by vertigo after being injured during an epileptic attack. Started Gir Ahinsak Nasya, and found much relief in symptoms of vertigo. Patient also feels Nasya has helped her epilepsy symptoms also. Bhargavi N Bhat(Vadodara)

  • Patient diagnosed as a possible case of age related neurological disorder Myosthania Gravis, as she had difficulty keeping her eyes open in the evening and difficulty speaking. Saw 90% reduction in symptoms within a few days of using Gir Ahinsak Nasya (morning & night) and is completely normal after a few months. Lataben Pandya(Vadodara)

  • 70 years old taking Asthigir Ghrit, Asthi Churna and Nasya. I find that results are good and I have better health as a result. Aruna Roghelia (Ahmedabad)

  • Started treatment for sciatica & diabetes on 18th Mar 2020, there is 60% reduction in sciatica pain. Nishith Shah(Ahmedabad)

  • Started treatment of Aunt on 2nd February for joint pains - Asthigir Ghrit and Asthi Churna. Seen significant relief. Kajalben(Ahmedabad)

  • Suffering from joint pains, treated since 7th March 2020, with Asthigir Ghrit and Asthi Churna, see 70% relief in last 1 month. Kalpana Patel(Ahmedabad)

  • Started Mother's treatment few weeks back for joint & back pain. Treated with Asthigir Ghrit, Asthi Churna, Kabjamrut capsule, Sunthamrut capsule and Gir Nasya. See significant relief in join & back pains. Ritaben Kanjaria(Botad)

  • Significant relief in back pain with Asthigir Ghrit and Asthi Churna. Pragya Katiyar(Ahmedabad)

  • Suffering from gas, acidity and joint pains since long time and no treatment seemed to be working. After treated with Sunthamrut, Hadamrut, Asthi Churna, Nasya, patient has experienced complete relief. Ansuyaben Parmar(Ahmedabad)

  • Severe backache (L3, L4, L5) since 13 years, seen most of the prominent orthopedic doctors in Rajkot & Ahmedabad, relief was only until she took the allopathic medicines. Visited Gaushala in Feb'20 and by Apr'20 patient saw 60% relief in symptoms, with greater energy and reduction in stress levels also. Seemaben Patel(Rajkot)

  • Joint pains due to damage in cartilage, was adviced surgery. After a month of taking Asthi Ghrit and Asthi Churna, patient is experience significant relief in pain symptoms and is now able to do her daily work with less difficulty. Surekhaben(Vijaywada)

  • Suffering from weakness and pain in legs, got relief within 1 month of starting Gauveda medicines. Kapil Ratnakar(Ahmedabad)

  • Found significant relief in long standing old age knee pain symptoms, withing 2 months of taking Asthi Ghrit and Asthi Churna. Kamlaben Govindbhai Bhatia(Ahmedabad)

  • Backache since 10 years, MRI indicated increased space between final vertibrae, medical advice was to take lesser stress, reduce traveling and massage with ointment every night. 85% relief within 2 months of treatment with Asthi Ghrit and Kabjamrut capsules, there is no discomfort even with daily traveling of over 40 km and no need for massage at night. Vinay Patel(Ahmedabad)

  • 13-year old physically less developed son with low immunity. Started Gir Phalamrut capsule, Nasya, Drakshavaleh and Go-Vita. See significant improvement in just few weeks. Prashant M (Ahmedabad)

  • 4-year old son Vivaan Dave had frequent cold & respiratory infections. After taking medicines from Bansi Gir Gaushala, his problem stands resolved. Nirmit Dave (Ahmedabad)

  • 4 year old son suffering from frequent colds, seen significant relief with Gir medicines. Praveen Tripathi (Ahmedabad)

  • Regularly use Kamdhenu Asav for 2 daughters aged 6 & 8 years whenever there catch cold, see complete relief without the use of any other medicines. Nilam R Patel (Surat)

  • Kidney disorder, had to do dialysis 5-6 times. After taking Gauveda medicinal Ghrit my kidney is now normal. I also experience healthy weight gain and improvement in overall energy. Bhupesh Jaiswal (Ahmedabad)

  • Using Gir Nasya for sometime, and notice the following improvements in health - relief in regular cold & associated pain in throat, relief in sinus and migraine, better sleep. Vishalbhai(Surat)

  • Started treatment for constipation & cold, experienced significant relief along with better sleep. Darshan Parikh(Ahmedabad)

  • Treatment for coughing & cold. Used Kamdhenu Asav and Gir Nasya. Found significant relief along with better sleep. K D Parikh(Ahmedabad)

  • Complete relief in blocked nose within 7-8 minutes of using Gir Ahinsak Nasya. Pranav Parikh(USA)

  • Coughing problem for over 3 months which couldn't resolve even with anti-biotics. Started taking Kamdhenu Asav, experienced complete recovery by the time patient finished 2 bottles of this medicine. Mukesh Kantariya(Ahmedabad)

  • Suffering from Bronchitis, Thyroid, high BP and cardiac problems for 2 years. Patient experienced significant relief in symptoms, particularly Bronchitis after taking Kamdhenu Asav. Sharmishtaben Joshi(Ahmedabad)

  • Significant improvement in respiratory infection symptoms after taking Kamdhenu Asav and Nishamrut. Gauriben Vyas(Ahmedabad)

  • Chronic & repeated throat infections, but seen complete relief in symptoms along with improved digestion after taking Sunthamrut capsules. Dineshbhai Hadiya(Bhavnagar)

  • Nasal pain and watery discharge - complete relief after being treated with Gir Ahinsak Nasya. Krunal Thakkar

  • Significant relief in chronic respiratory / throat infections after starting Bansi Gir Gaushala milk & Ghee, Kamdhenu Asav and Nasya. See 90% reduction in symptoms and requirement for anti-histamines & anti-biotics treatment. Sandeep Pandya(Ahmedabad)