Food as medicine - 3 things to look for when you buy Ghee
21 November, 2022 by
Food as medicine - 3 things to look for when you buy Ghee
Suryan Organic

By Bansi Gir Gauveda

Ayurveda places great emphasis on ghee, and strongly recommends it for daily consumption. Here we define 3 driving factors of quality for ghee for the best health benefits.

Ghee is among the most nutritious & medicinal foods for your family

Ghee obtained from Gaumata’s milk is regarded as the best among the 4 “maha snehas” (main fats) in Ayurveda. Among all the fats, it is the easiest to digest, and is considered beneficial to the human body right from birth. It improves digestion, strength, intelligence and offers a host of other benefits. According to Maharshi Charak, “Gau Ghee promotes memory, intellect, digestion, semen, ojas, kapha and fat. It reduces vata, pitta, toxic conditions, insanity and fever. It is the best of all unctuous substances.” Modern science has also recognized that Ghee is among the most nutritious fats known to mankind.

However, not all Ghee available in the market is the same. We must understand the qualities one must look for while shopping for Ghee. There are three important factors one must look for – 1) Method of preparation, 2) Gomata breed, and 2) approach towards Gomata care.

1 - Method of ghee preparation - whole milk bilona vs milk cream ghee
The dairy “ghee” commonly available in the open market is not made as per Ayurvedic procedure. It is made from milk cream, and not whole milk. As a result, it ends up being isolated milk fat, and can potentially cause increase in cholesterol. The ancient Ayurvedic bilona method of preparing ghee involves churning the curd of Gaumata’s whole milk. The butter thus obtained is heated on a slow flame to obtain ghee. Thus, ghee is the core essence of Gomata’s milk, offering a multitude of nutritional and medicinal benefits. 

In this method, approximately 25 litres of milk is required to obtain 1 kg of ghee. The smell and consistency of this ghee may also vary based on season and feed.

2 - Gomata Breed – Bharatiya vs Western, why does it matter?

Practically, Gomata breed makes a huge difference to the quality of ghee in our view. Western breed Gomata’s such as Jersey and Holstein are genetically predisposed to fall sick in Bharatiya weather conditions. They are also heavily genetically modified. This makes their products far inferior in quality compared to products of pure Bharatiya breeds. We believe that it is important to look for pure breeds, and avoid cross breeds between Bharatiya and Western breeds. We also believe that increase in illnesses due to consumption of dairy in modern times is mainly caused due to Bharatiya society moving away from pure Bharatiya breeds and ‘animal husbandry’ approach replacing the traditional vedic gopalan approach.

3 - How is Gomata cared for – Traditional gopalan vs Modern approach

There are vital differences between how Gomata is cared for between the paramparic (traditional) gopalan approach and the modern ‘animal husbandary’ approach. Under the vedic or paramparic approach, Gomata’s can generally be far healthier and happier. As a result, the products of Gomata who is looked after under the ‘Paramparic Gopalan’ approach are generally far superior when compared to products produced under the modern ‘animal husbandry approach’. Please see the following para's and table for more detailed explaination of traditional gopalan and its comparison to modern approach.

What is paramparic gopalan, and what makes Bansi Gir Gaushala ghee so special?

Bansi Gir Gaushala aims to be a centre of excellence as well as a demonstration project for ideal paramparic (traditional) Gopalan, which is consistent with ancient Bharatiya “Go Sanskriti”. At the Gaushala, which has 700+ Gomata’s spread across 18 Gotra’s (closest English word being ‘lineage’) of pure Gir breed, ghee is made from whole milk of our Gir Gomata’s. The physical and subtle qualities this Ghee are affected by the following considerations, which are also part of ancient vedic traditional approach to gopalan –

a) Ahinsak, adhering to ‘dohan – This ghee adheres to the ancient Bharatiya practice of “Dohan”. According to Shastra’s (ancient Bharatiya treatises), dohan (derived from “do” meaning two) literally means the calf is allowed to feed to its satisfaction from two Anchals, while the remaining two Anchals can be used to obtain milk for other living beings including humans. As a result, keeping other variables constant, milk availability can be lower at our Gaushala.

b) Gopalan that is non-exploitative - We never “get rid” of older non-lactating Gomata’s, Nandi’s (male Gomata) or male calves. As a result the percentage of Gaumata’s giving milk at our Gaushala is usually approximately 20%, compared with 30-65% at conventional dairies. We never compromise on the quality or quantity of food and water offered to each Gomata irrespective of the amount of milk obtained from Her.

c) Gopalan that is consistent with principles of nature – Our Gomata’s are bred and reared unrestricted in accordance with principles of nature, and graze in an organic field. We never employ modern artificial interventions for breeding or to increase milk production. We also never keep our Gomata’s tied up.

d) Organic feed – We have over 4 lakh yards of open grazing space which is nurtured with organic manure. We offer Gomata’s organic feed based on research into its nutritional value and Gomata’s tastes and preferences. This feed is also non-GMO and as far as possible organic. Pest control practices at our Gaushala is strictly natural or organic.

e) Harnessing Ayurveda – Various Ayurvedic herbs of rich medicinal value are added to the feed based on weather and season to enhance Gomata’s health and vitality. As far as possible, sick Gomata's are treated using Bharatiya Ayurvedic system and modern medicine is employed very occasionally.

f) Vedic rituals and music - The Gaushala undertakes daily Vedic havans (sacrificial fire ritual) to maintain the sanctity of its divine atmosphere. Devotional music and Sanskrit chants are also played in the background every day, which helps to keep the Gomata’s happy and healthy.

Please see a summary comparison of Ghee prepared at Bansi Gir Gaushala’s paramparic gopalan approach vs the conventional ‘animal husbandry’ approach as given below.

Our appeal to consumers - please support farmers & Gaushala's who follow traditional gopalan

Through this article, while we offer information on how to look for the best ghee, explaining how ghee from Bansi Gir Gaushala satisfies such criteria, it is not our intention to merely promote a product. It is our mission to change the way people think about food. We are inspired by the mission of Bansi Gir Gaushala to revive Bharat's lost 'Go Sanskriti', and Gomata centered way of living. We have seen first hand the effects of such a way of living in the fields of nutrition, agriculture, health and education. If consumers can find ghee which satisfies this criteria elsewhere, we would happily encourage them to buy it and support such Gaushala's and farmers.

Consumers really need to understand and use the above guidelines as they look for Ghee in particular and Gomata products in general. We believe this can have far reaching effects on the health of their family and communities. However, it is also important to understand that maintaining pure Bharatiya breed Gomata’s with a traditional gopalan approach can involve significant costs to the farmers. As a society, we need to support such farmers by paying the right price for their products. We believe it is both ethical and in our interest to do so. We also strongly encourage consumers to visit the Gaushala or farmers from whom they buy ghee or other panchgavya (milk, curd, ghee, gomutra, gomaya) products, offer their encouragement & support for undertaking paramparic gopalan, and in the process gain the benefits of being physically close to Gomata. Gomata has a very special divine aura which modern research proves has very calming and healing effects. We believe paramparic gopalan and Ayurveda were among the most important secrets behind the physical strength, intellectual vigour, creativity and longevity of our ancient forefathers in Bharat. 

How to use – Gir Ahinsak Gau Ghee can be used for regular cooking as well as a health tonic. To use as a health tonic, take 1 teaspoon with desi Gau milk twice daily.

To buy Gir Ahinsak Gau Ghee online (available in 200 ml, 500 ml and 1 liter packs) -

You can buy this Gir Ahinsak Ghee online at the above link or your nearest SOSE store or directly from Bansi Gir Gaushala between 3 pm to 6 pm. Please share your experience or feedback with us after using this product at [email protected] or with the Gaushala at [email protected].

Food as medicine - 3 things to look for when you buy Ghee
Suryan Organic 21 November, 2022
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