Introducing Gir Ayur Rub - Relief from cold, cough and pain - naturally!
21 November, 2022 by
Introducing Gir Ayur Rub - Relief from cold, cough and pain - naturally!
Suryan Organic

By Bansi Gir Gauveda

Gir Ayur Rub can be your perfect companion during times of respiratory distress, illness and associated pain.  Conventional rubs available in the market are made using synthetic camphor and fillers like petrolatum (i.e. petroleum jelly which can be over 50% of the contents). Gir Ayur Rub is an ancient blend of authentic Ayurvedic herbs which are known for over 3000 years in Bharat for their natural expectorating, cough relieving, de-congesting and analgesic properties.

What makes Gir Ayur Rub so effective?

Gir Ayur Rub, similar to other Bansi Gir Gauveda products is made using a proprietary process that is consistent with ancient Ayurvedic principles. This process involves making a decoction of the herbs, which is further processed in black sesame oil. Understanding this process from a modern scientific perspective, as a result of this process the beneficial water soluble as well as oil soluble natural phyto-active compounds present in the herbs get effectively transferred to the resulting oil. Black sesame oil is known in Ayurveda for its heating and penetrating qualities, it can carry the beneficial phytochemicals of the herbs deeper into the tissues to facilitate healing. Pure essential oils are also added to further reinforce healing properties while providing a soothing fragrance.

Which authentic herbs does Gir Ayur Rub contain?

A glimpse of the healing qualities of herbs & essential oils present in Gir Ayur Rub:

1) Eucalyptus is a natural decongestant with analgesic (pain relieving) anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. This oil has been used since thousands of years in Bharat to relief cough, cold and associated pain.

2) Tulsi is also known for its anti-microbial, expectorating and broad ranging healing qualities.

3) Lavang is cooling in nature and balances some of the heat inherent in other herbs. Lavang helps to balance vayu and kapha dosha.

4) Kali Mirch helps to relieve cough congestion particularly in the chest.

5) Nagarvel is specially recommended in Ayurveda for kapha related conditions and is used to treat conditions such as cold, asthama, headache, etc.

6) Nagod is one of the most versatile herbs in Ayurveda. It is a natural muscle relaxant, pain reliever and also helpful in asthma.

7) Ajwain is one of the most effective herbs to treat kapha and vata dosha.

8) Ardusi is a natural anti-allergic, and one of the most powerful herbs to treat asthma, mucus congestion and bronchitis. This herb is cooling in nature and helps to maintain respiratory health.

9) Natural Karpoor is cooling in nature, and can be extremely effective in treating kapha related disorders.

10) Mustard oil provides natural heating benefits, it is a natural anti-microbial, it stimulates blood circulation and relieves nasal congestion.

11) Black sesame oil is known in Ayurveda for its heating and penetrating qualities, it can carry the beneficial phytochemicals of the herbs deeper into the tissues to facilitate healing. 

How to use - Apply few drops on the forehead, chest, neck & back as needed and gently massage before going to bed. For diluting, use organic sesame or coconut oil, Gir Swastikam Massage Oil or Gir Baby Massage Oil for babies and kids.

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Introducing Gir Ayur Rub - Relief from cold, cough and pain - naturally!
Suryan Organic 21 November, 2022
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